The Ritual

8 Bitty Games

The Ritual

The Ritual is a retro-sim game for the original Game Boy. It is the seventh of my "8 Bitty Games" series.

Jiggle cartridge: Left/Right

Blow into cartridge: X

Clean cartridge: Z

Emulation by GameBoy-Online


"8 Bitty Games" is a series of small games developed for the original Game Boy system.

The Ritual is a retro-sim game made for Global Game Jam 2016. The theme was "Ritual" and this game attempts to recreate the ancient ritual of messing with an NES cartridge to get it to work.

The Ritual was made using the Game Boy Development Kit and the Game Boy Tile/Map Designer, and can be played on any Game Boy emulator or flashed onto a Game Boy cartridge.

How To Play

Jiggle the cartridge back and forth with the D-pad. Hold A and move left and right to blow into the cartridge. Hold B and move left and right to clean the contacts with rubbing alcohol. Try everything you can to get the game to work!


You can download the ROM files below to play in a Game Boy emulator or flash onto a cartridge. The games are available via Even though the games are free, please consider leaving a tip on the download page.

This is just a personal project, so all purchases and donations help fund more games! Recommended donation is $2.50 if you found any of the games enjoyable :). You can also subscribe to my Patreon page if you'd like to keep updated on the next games in the series! Thanks!

Special Thanks

Special thanks to:

and all my other Patreon supporters for supporting this game's production. If you would like to help contribute, please consider subscribing to my Patreon!